Wednesday, 7 March 2012


'In 1986, Alberto 'Beto' Perez forgot his tape of aerobics music for a class he was teaching. He took the tapes he had in his backpack — consisting of traditional Latin salsa and merengue music — and improvised a class using this non-traditional aerobics music.'

for me, this wikipedia extract describing the 'history and origins' just draws the most EXCITING picture of a zumba class. in 1986, the year i wish i lived in every year of my life, you can just imagine this impromtu class: leg warmers, flourescent lycra and a LOT of sexy dancing. yes that.
having only heard good things about this form of exercise (how can learning to dance like shakira not be a good thing?), i attended my first zumba class on monday. obviously conducted in italian, i placed myself firmly at the rear of the group so as not to midunderstand any of her instructions, and uno-due-tre, i was zumba-ing. if it hadn't been for the extremely malcoordinated woman in front of me (who looked like an epileptic hailing a taxi), i think i would have picked up the rythmn much easier. having said that, by the end of the class i was certainly in the flow and most definitely exhausted.

watching one woman's behind for an hour suggests to me that this is more of a female activity. having said that, a man resembling lenny from of mice and men took up the right hand side of the group and stayed right until the end; not letting those hips stopping from wiggling. whether it was his incentive to get fit or to watch 8 females girating on the spot, one cannot be sure.

nevertheless, i would recommend zumba to EVERYONE. feeling thoroughly exercised, extremely sexy and happy throughout, exercise has never been better...

for more information on zumba classes in the centre of rome, visit

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